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Golf event benefits cancer patients

​​​​Golf for Research, after 14 years, has raised more than $515,000 to help Marshfield Clinic patients like William Krause. 

Dave and Becky Krause, with sons Benjamin (left) and William Dave and Becky Krause, with sons Benjamin (left) and William
The 4-year-old son of Dave and Becky Krause of Marshfield was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in March of 2012 and struggled with many side effects of treatment before going into remission.

William Krause's side effects included a 30 percent increase in body weight, terrible mood swings and difficulty walking. Fortunately, the cure rate for his type of ALL is nearly 90 percent. He has regained strength and resumed playing with his three-year-old brother, Benjamin. Although his cancer is in remission, this type of cancer calls for treatment to continue for at least three years to be sure every last cancer cell is gone.

The most recent Golf for Research tournament held in August at Lake Arrowhead in Nekoosa raised $62,000, earmarked to benefit cancer research and pediatric cancer research at Marshfield Clinic. Solarus is the presenting sponsor of this event.

The funds for pediatric cancer research help support the Clinic's membership in the Children's Oncology Group (COG), a nationwide cooperative oncology group that develops and oversees treatment protocols for childhood cancers. It's an essential component in providing the same high level of care available at any children's cancer center in the country.

"We have a lot to be hopeful for," said Dave Krause, whose family was on vacation in Florida when William became ill with fever, fatigue and other symptoms. They took him to an urgent care center, where the attending physician took a quick look and directed them to a children's hospital. William spent the next 12 days there. He then was able to return home and receive care from Michael McManus, M.D., a pediatric hematologist/oncologist at Marshfield Clinic.

Krause, vice president at Forward Financial Bank in Marshfield, is thankful that the Clinic is a member of COG.

"It's extremely valuable, not just for my family but for all the others as well, because it brings the very best treatments to these patients," he said. "If the Clinic were not part of COG, it may not have access to the best treatment protocols in the nation."

In William's case, he is part of a research trial tracking the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. The randomized tests will compare four different dosages of a medication to determine the optimal effectiveness versus side effects. The results of this test may improve the lives of young cancer survivors like William and ultimately ensure that Marshfield Clinic is providing the best possible health care.

For information on how to support cancer research and pediatrics cancer research, contact Pete Schmeling at 715-389-3238 or toll-free at 1-800-858-5220.