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Memorials and Honor gifts

​​Every day, friends of Marshfield Clinic remember and honor relatives and others by making contributions that support the Clinic's mission of high-quality health care, research and education. These gifts were received October 2013 to January 2014.

In Honor of

Shining Stars​

In Memory of

Robert T. Ahles
William "Bill" Allen
Lynette M. Anason
Roger Anderson
Rita Anseth
Steven Arendt
Lovilia A. Aschenbrenner
George Ashbeck


Clara M. Baltus
Suzanne Baltus-Zecherle
Dr. James E. Bardenwerper
Gerald "Jerry" Bauer
Peter & Beverly Bauer
John Behringer
Marlene Below
Thelma A. Benkovic
Jim Benson
Kathryn M. Bentley
Harriet Bernhardt
Ann C. Biechler
Joy Bigelow
Lawrence Billings
Ruth Binder
Harold Birling
Vlasta Valenta Blaha
Madeline R. Bloczynski
Agnes I. Bloom
Phillip J. Blum
Clement & Kathryn Boehm
William Boulieu
Kenneth J. Brandl
Drew Brandt
Audery Branstad
Merle Brantmeier
Alan Braund
Albert Duwayne Breheim
Robert Bricco
Jake Mikkel Brown
Carol A. Buehler
Percy F. Bump, Jr.
Dr. John L. & Mrs. H. Pauline Burns
Harold & Betty Bymers


Orville Carlson
Cheryl Jean Case
Samuel Casey
Mark Casper
Ozzie Christian
Janet Cook
Joan M. Critelli
James M. Cuffe
Nancy Ruth Curry
John Czinsky

 Kim Dawson
Darlene F. DeNure
Janet Dickson
Alice Dmytro
Hugh J. Donovan
Richard L. Drackley
Lloyd F. Drais
Louis H. Dux
James W. Eckes
Michael Ederer
Sharron Henery (Hank) Egstad
Richard A. Eibergen
Donald Eilers
Robert H. Engel
Dr. Stephan Epstein
Dr. Stephan & Elsbeth Epstein
Baby Esselman
Samuel Emil Esselman
Floyd J. Fairfield
Lawrence Feaman
Harry Feirer
Pat & Gretchen Felker
Jo Anne Finneran
Emanual F. Firnstahl
Dr. Richard Flickinger
Dr. Steven M. Fontanini
Rachel M. Friberg
Maddy Froom
Agnes J. Fuehrer

Billie Galston
Asuncion S. Gomez
Kathleen Goodness
Gregory J. Gorke
Mitchell Graves
Dr. George Griese
Carola A. Grobe
Jim Gruetzmacher
Lucy A. Haas
Michael Hackman
Linda L. Haefner
Mark Halada
James A. Halminiak, Sr.
Gregory G. Hanke
Lorraine Hanson
Robin Hanson
Joyce Hanstedt
Donald F. Haupt
Edward Haupt
Shawn Heckel
Fae A. Heller
Jane M. Herr
Rex Herrick
Darlene Herrmann
Roger B. Hill
Dr. Dayton Hinke
Dorothy Hintz
Jewell Hipke Heise
George Harrington “Harry” Hoard
Robert Holubets
Adeline R. Horel
Everett F. Huebner
Thomas Huebner
Linda A. Hughes
Donna (Sladich) Hurt
Rita A. Hutchins
Dr. Samuel Idarraga
Nicholas Iverson
Dr. Daniel Jacobson
Patricia Jakus
James Jalowitz, Jr.
Walter & Adeline Janssen
Donald H. Jenkins, DVM
David H. Johnson
Donald W. Johnson
Lois M. Johnson
Michael J. Johnson
Sally A. Johnson
Patricia J. Keel
H. Lloyd Keller
Harry & Belle Keller
Otto Kert
James & Rachel Kieffer
Lloyd & Mary Kieffer
Cindy Kiehl
LeRoy O. Kiesling
Wayne Klammer
Maurie Klein
Gertrude Klinnert
Laura Marie Koblenzer
Jerome C. Kolbeck
Suzanne Kozial
Jackie Krause
Donald L. Kraut
George Kubica
Dr. Marvin Kuehner
Ronald I. Kulick
DuWayne Kundinger
Sonya Lea Kunesh
Treyden J. Kurtzweil
Howard F. Kuse
Terry J. Laessig
Joyce K. LaGasse
Melvin & Helen Laird, Sr.
Carol J. Lamers
Logan Jon Larson
Raymond C. Larson
Alden "Al" Lawrence
Byrl & Dorothy Lawrence
Dr. Ben Lawton
Richard "Dick" Lawton
Ruth Lawton
Ken & Charlene Lehman
Bruce A. Lemery
Jean A. Lepore
Janet Leverance
Patricia "Pat" Lightfoot
Nancy J. Lohela
James J. Lorence
Earl & Jeannette Lortie
Karen Ludwig
Charlotte A. Lukes
Janet Maby
Elizabeth & Robert Maier
Tamara Malueg
Ernest Mancl
Marjorie M. Marick
Arlene Marquardt
Gerald A. Martin
Thomas "Tom" A. Martin
Elwood Mason
Wilbur Mason
Ed & Mary Mataczynski
Richard D. Mattheisen
Arlene McAuliffe
Joan McClyman
Kenneth McGrath
Barbara S. McGuire
James E. McManus
Jane Merwin
Phoebe M. Meyers
George Michels
Cookie Miller
Steve J. Miller
Byron Moen
Jerome L. Mueller
Florence Munchow
Virginia Nelson
Laura C. Neville
Betty Niemuth
Timothy Nikolai
Norma Normington Vine
Todd Nytes
Cathy O'Hara
Ann T. Offer
Alois S. Okray
Mildred A. Oleskow
Wayne & Doris Oleson
Dr. Ronald W. Olson
Maxine E. Ostrowski
Dr. Joseph L. Ousley
Kay Paladi
Roger Pankratz
Rose Marie Panzer
Donald & Ione Peterson
Iris A. Petke
Gwen I. Pigott
Emil Plautz
Gerald Post
Bruce L. Potter
Geraldine Pratt
Joe Prestebak
Richard A. Prissel, Jr.
Suzanne Provost
John Psimaras
Ronald G. Rasmussen, Jr.
Leonard Recore
Ervin R. Redding
Anna Reinoso
Anthony & Dorothy Rekowski
LuMae Rendleman
Carla Reyes
Dr. Cesar Reyes, Jr.
Bernice Riedel
Richard F. Romig
Norman Roth
Marlene Rottler
Daryl & Dee Rowley
Joyce Rueth
Guy F. Rustad
Todd M. Schalow
Robert  "Bob" Schiferl, Sr
Ed & Margaret Schill
Elwood H. Schiller
Bettie Schindler
Margaret Schmeichel
John Schmidt
June Schmitt
Kenneth R. Schneider
Reuben R. Scholze
Albert & Irene Schrage
Jack Schrauth
Lydia Schreiber
Elizabeth "Betty" J. Schroeder
Frederick & Arlene Schroeder, Jr.
Lester K. & Mary S. Schulz
Jacob John Searles
Gwen Sebold
Justine H. See
Joan Seefeldt
Lois J. "Toots" Seefeldt
Dorothy L. Seif
Trudy Seiter
Donald F. Senn
Jeff Severson
Melvin A. Severt, Jr.
John J. Shannon
Kenneth N. Shilts
Joan E. Sickler
Marcella M. Snader
Janet M. Solie
Frank & Rosalie Sommers
Tom Sonaglia
Stanley J. Sondelski
Doris M. Sonnenberg
Adelia Spaeth
Paul G. Spatz
Grace Spooner
Sharon Sprenger
Ara J. Standiford
Arline Stangl
Bernita Stecker
Jerry Steinbach
Myra Shaiken Steiner
Nancy Steivang
Dale P. Sternberg
Dr. C. Todd Stewart
Floyd Strong
Sylvan Struck
Nick Stuttgen
John Sullivan
Lorraine M. Tasse
Alfred W. Telford
William Theisen
Vernon & Amelia Thiry
Rollie Thomas
Charles H. Thompson
Sandra Thurs
Arnold & Erma Tiedt
Denver Tjugum
Helen Tjugum
Jean Trainor
Joan M. Trudeau
Florisenda "Flory" Truhlar
Lindsay Updyke
Alice Van Asten
Norman G. Wagner
Franklin J. Walter
Woodrow W. Weaver
Warren Weber
Walter L. Welgos
George & Hilda Wendt
Mary Ann Wenzel
Scott Wesenberg
Kay Whalen
Dawn Williams
Rolland L. Williams
Christine Windsor
Valeria R. Zais
Joanne C. Zwaschka

In Honor of


Abby Adler
All First Res​ponders
Kevin & Connie Anason
Julian Andrew
Susan M. Barta
Tracy Blanchette
Eric D. Bohl
Breast Cancer Support Group –
    Women Living with Hope
Vicki J. Brostowitz
Pastor Kevin Buchanan
Sue Buehler
E. Clapero
Jefford & Pat Cold
James S. Coleman
Charles S. Djock
Lois Djock
Geneva duBois
Dr. Brian H. Ewert
Avery M. Faber
Sophie L. Faber
Matt Ferkey & Kim Van Asten
Marian Giese
Dr. Michael Gonzaga
Barbara L. Grzybowski
Mary C. Halminiak
Amanda "Mandy" Hein
Arlys D. Herrick
Dr. Thomas D. Hinke
Dr. William Hocking
Joseph Hoover
Susan Jaeger
Bonita R. Johnson
Jim & Cindy Kappel
Dr. Tanya Kausch Hoerneman
The Dave Krause Family
William E. Krause
Michelle Kultgen
The Honorable Melvin Laird
Marty & Kelly Lawrence
Ayden A. Leonhardt
Jodi A. Linzmeier
Dr. George Magnin
Arlene Mancl
Marshfield Clinic Pharmacy
    Division Employees
Marshfield Clinic Stevens Point
    Oncology Staff
MCIS Support Org & QA Teams
Dennis McKee
Sandra McKee
MCRI PLCO Cancer Research Team
Dr. James A. Meyer
Dr. Jennifer Michels
Melissa A. Mikelson
Ralph & Diane Mueller
Henry & Beverly Odegaard
Sara H. Pallen
Jerry L. Pelke
Marjorie Petzel
Pat Plewa
Dr. Laurel Rudolph-Kniech
Saint Clare's Hospital Emergency Department
Andrew "Drew" Schaefgen
Todd M. Schalow
Lori Schmitt
Dick & Kathy Shepherd
Jeramy Taylor
Phil & Joan Traxler
Kim E. Twesme
Pearl A. Vorland
Samantha Wade
Jim & Charlene Werner
Dorothy R. Weyer
Richard & Edith Wills
Donald A. Zittleman
Kenneth E. Zittleman
Norma K. Zittleman

Shining Stars


Paula E. Alexander
Julie K. Boehm
Dr. Murray H. Brilliant
Dr. Ali W. Bseiso
Dr. Efrain M. Cancel
Penni R. Cloud
Nicole L. Cummings
Dr. Richard A. Dart
Dr. Edna O. DeVries
Susanne M. Dux
Dr. Todd D. Earnhart
Dr. Daniel R. Erickson

Julie L. Fellenz
Dr. Jerry Goldberg
Michael A. Hargens
Dr. Robert M. Haws
Dr. William G. Hocking
Karen L. Hornick
Jillian C. Jackan
Dr. Peter C. Johnson
Dr. Katherine M. Kaplan
Linda K. Kasner
Melissa L. Kauffman
Dr. Matthew C. Keifer
Patricia A. Koch-Shelton
Dr. Charles A. Lonsdorf
Sheryl L. Mandel
Marshfield Clinic James Beck
    Center Oncology Staff
Dr. Maria A. Mascola
Amber M. Mews
Dr. James A. Meyer
Tina M. Mondloch
Kathy L. Moyer
Dr. John Przybylinski
Dr. Keith W. Pulvermacher
Dr. Douglas Reding
Dr. Richard M. Roach
Dr. Roxann Rokey
Dr. Shawn M. Ronan
Dr. Alison R. Sampson
Dr. Joshua Sampson
Ashley J. Short
Holly A. Stankowski
Dr. Lori K. Steiner
Sara Strasser
Shannon L. Treptow
Dr. Tatiana P. Volin
Randall Wecker
Dr. Mark N. Weissman
Sherry M. Wiedow
Douglas J. Wood