Every year all residents and fellows at Marshfield Clinic / Marshfield Medical Center take off a full weekday to spend with the RWBC.
The retreat day is spent off site discussing topics of well-being in residency and career. Self-care activities are also presented and practiced. This is all done in a setting conducive to reflection, relaxation and relationship building. The retreat is a major commitment by DOE and the medical complex to your well-being as it means that the medical center operates for the day without any residents.
2020 Retreat
The 15th annual residents/fellows retreat was adjusted to meet the requirements of pandemic safety. We creatively blended virtual gathering (large group and breakout groups) with small group physically distanced and masked activities. Here are slides of the treat including our agenda, activities, resident comments and evaluations.
2019 Retreat
Chiefs' Reflections and Recommendations
2018 Retreat
Chiefs' Reflections and Recommendations
2017 Retreat
2016 Retreat
Agenda and photos
Introduction by Dr. Jansen, Director of Division of Education, Marshfield Clinic
Chiefs reflections and recommendations - Michael Schulein, Ph.D. (Introduction) and Karishma Rao, M.D., Pediatric Chief
Chief reflections and recommendations - Faran Polani, M.D., Internal Medicine Chief and Melissa Williams, M.D., Dermatology Chief
Chief reflections and recommendations - Tyler Conway, M.D., Dermatology Chief, and Celeste Adrian, M.D., General Surgery Chief
Chief reflections and recommendations - Andrew Kamien, M.D., General Surgery Chief
2014 Retreat
2013 Retreat