You can make an appointment with Marshfield Clinic Health System providers several different ways.
Contact your care team
Connect with your doctor:
Already have a doctor? Calling your doctor's office directly is the best way to discuss your appointment options. Find the most up-to-date information here:
Find your doctor
Online appointments:
Manage appointments through your online patient portal, MyMarshfieldClinic. Don’t have a log on? No problem.
Sign in to your account
Create an account
Not sure who to call?
A resource information coordinator can help you connect to a member of your care team or find the information you need. Call:
(Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Looking for a new provider?
Find by Location
With more than 50 locations, quality health care is available close to home.
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Find by Specialty
More than 80 specialties are available. Learn about the medical care we offer.
Find a Specialist
Need assistance?
A resource information coordinator can help you connect to a member of your care team or find the information you need. Call:
(Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.)