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Treatment Following Breast Cancer – Plastic Surgery

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Some women who have a mastectomy as treatment for breast cancer also have plastic ​surgery or breast reconstruction surgery​.

If you are considering breast reconstruction surgery, it's best to meet with a Mars​hfield Clinic Plastic Surgeon​​ before your breast surgery. In some cases, the breast reconstruction surgery can be done at the same time as the mastectomy.

However, your doctor may want you wait until a later date, especially if your mastectomy will be followed by radiation therapy.

​The plastic surgeon can do breast reconstruction is several ways. Some women choose breast implants, which are filled with a silicone or saline gel.

The surgeon can also use tissue from another part of your body such as the abdomen or buttocks, to fashion a breast shape.

As with any surgery, there are risks and limitations to breast reconstruction, however if you are an appropriate candidate the benefits may outweigh the risks.

The plastic surgeon will determine which type of reconstruction is best for you, depending on your age and the extent of the cancer surgery.

If you decide breast reconstruction surgery is not for you, another option is to wear a breast prosthesis inside your bra. Marshfield Clinic has a special Post Mastectomy Service to help you find the best product for you.​​

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