Anyone may request a same-day appointment. Same-day appointments are available for most Marshfield Clinic services, including primary and specialty care. Call your local clinic location to schedule a same-day appointment.
We’ll offer you a same-day appointment.
We’ll offer you a same-day or next-day appointment
1323 Bob Brown Boulevard Altoona, WI 54720 Get Directions
Phone: 715-975-0050
High-level therapy and rehab for athletes at all levels
Learn More
1711 York St Bloomer, WI 54724 Get Directions
Phone: 715-568-6220 1-866-965-2125 Fax: 715-568-9137
The Bloomer Center offers family medicine services and same-day appointments.
305 S Highway 27 Cadott, WI 54727 Get Directions
Phone: 715-289-3102 1-800-782-8581, ext. 33102 Fax: 715-289-3039
Cadott Center focuses on family medicine and offers same-day appointments.
Same-day appointments are available for most Marshfield Clinic services, including primary and specialty care.
Call your local clinic location to schedule a same-day appointment.
We will try to schedule you with your current provider at your preferred Clinic location when possible. If your provider isn't available, we will schedule you with another Clinic provider at your preferred location nearby.
If you need a physical/annual wellness check-up or specialized care that is less urgent, your appointment may be scheduled further out.
For non-life threatening injuries or illnesses that require immediate medical attention, visit our urgent care and walk-in service locations without an appointment. Urgent care and walk-in service locations are open seven days a week. Hours vary by location. Find an urgent care location