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My Marshfield Clinic FAQ

Get answers to common questions about your online account.

Image of man having an appointment with his provider

Within the appointments tab of your My Marshfield Clinic online account, you can:

• Schedule new appointments.
• View upcoming appointment details.
• Reschedule or cancel appointments.

Contact information

Have questions related to your upcoming appointments? Call 1-866-520-2510.

How do I schedule an appointment with a specific provider?

To book a new visit with your provider through your My Marshfield Clinic account, follow these steps:

1. Select who the appointment is for.
2. Select a Provider from the list.
3. Select a reason for your appointment.
4. Select a location for your appointment.
5. Select a date/time for the appointment from the available.
6. Add comments regarding specific requests or special needs for the appointment.
7. Your appointment will be added to your upcoming list of appointments.

How do I schedule an appointment with a visit reason?

When you have a reason for your visit, but not a specific doctor in mind, follow these steps to set up your appointment online:

1. Select who the appointment is for.
2. Select a location for the appointment.
3. Select a time for the appointment.
4. Add reason for visit or special needs.
5. You'll have the option to receive an email with appointment details.
6. Select Schedule Appointment button.
7. Your appointment will be added to your upcoming list of appointments.

Image of man having an appointment with his provider

View a list of your current medications, including the ordering physician, dose, frequency and route.

You also may have the option to refill or renew a medication through your online account. This is only for Marshfield Clinic pharmacies.

Contact information

Have questions related to your prescriptions? Call 1-715-387-9100.

How can I refill or renew my prescription?

Complete the following steps to send a prescription renewal or medication refill request through your My Marshfield Clinic account:

1. Click 'Health Record' and then 'Medications' in the left navigation pane.
2. Click the 'Refill/Renew' button.
   • Select 'Renew Prescriptions' if your prescription is out of date and needs to be renewed by your provider before you can get additional refills.
   • Select 'Refill Medications' to get additional medications for an existing prescription that is still valid.
3. From the Medication Refill or Prescription Renewal form, select a provider. You can search for your particular provider by starting to type the name.
4. Select the check box next to the medications you want to refill or renew. The medications listed on this page are the current medications in your health record.
5. For any medications not listed in this section, click 'Add Medication' and enter the prescription number and medication name.
6. Select and enter contact options as appropriate.
7. Enter any additional comments.
7. Click 'Send' to submit your request.

Health Record
Image of patient looking at medical records with provider

My Marshfield Clinic makes it easy to view your health records, test results, vitals and more.

Contact information

Have questions related to your health record?
Call 1-877-349-9449.

How can I view my family history?

By clicking on 'Health Record' and then 'Family History' along the left navigation pane, you can view a list of family medical conditions for living and deceased relatives. Contact your provider if you think data is missing.

When can I access my lab or radiology results?

You can view valuable reports underneath the 'Health Records' tab of the left navigation pane. You will see the following options:
   • Lab Results: Microbiology
   • Lab Results: Pathology
   • Lab Results & Vitals
   • Radiology Results

You can filter lab results by date range if you're searching for a specific report.

Click the title to view the report or select the 'Download' button to the right of the title to save a PDF copy of the report.

Can I look at past procedures?

To get a list of past and current procedures, including date performed and the type of procedure that took place, navigate to the 'Health Record' tab along the left side of the page and click 'Procedures'.

What type of information will I find under my social history?

The 'Social History' link undeneath the 'Health Record' tab details key information related to your health, such as exercise, employment/school, alcohol and tobacco use, sexual orientation, diet description, home/environment and more.

How can I view my visit summaries?

Click 'Health Record' and 'Visit Summaries' along the left side of the page to access your care summaries. Here you can select the title of each summary to view it or click the 'Download' or 'Send' buttons.

The 'Download' option allows you to save a copy of the visit information directly to your personal computer.

After clicking 'Send', you will be able to choose either 'Select Direct Email' or 'Send Unsecure Email'.
   • Use 'Send Direct Email' if you are looking to send the health record information to a organization or provider with an email that ends in ''.
   • Use 'Send Unsecure Email' if you looking to send the email to any other email address. You will be required to enter the email address you want to contact, a message to the recipient and a phone number.

What can I do if some of my health record information is missing?

Usually your My Marshfield Clinic account displays only the parts of your health record that are associated with a particular provider. Also, some confidential information isn't displayed in the portal.

If you still think some of your health record is missing, incuding your lab results, please discuss this with your care team during your next visit or send us a message from your account.

Image of woman messaging her provider on her tablet

When logged into your My Marshfield Clinic account, you can securely send questions and comments to your care team.

Please allow up to one business day for responses. In the event of a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1 or your local emergency number.

Contact information

Have questions about messaging?
Call 1-877-349-9449.

How can I send a message?

You can message your provider directly through your online account. Here's how:

1. Select the 'Send a message' button within your Inbox.
2. Use the dropdown to select on who’s behalf the message is sent.
3. Type at least two letters of the provider’s name in the 'To' field to generate a list to select from.
4. In the 'Subject' field, the following predefined subjects can be selected: Appointment, Health and Symptoms questions, Patient Advisor questions, Other, Referral Request or Test Results.
5. You can include attachments with your message. You'll be asked to select a document or image from a saved file on your device (maximum size is 25 MB). Do not copy and paste an image as that will not be viewable.
6. Type your message in the message box and select the 'Send' button when ready.

Am I able to view my sent messages?

You can. Any message you send is displayed in Sent Items. Here you can view all messages sent on behalf of any patient they can access. Each message displays whether the recipient has opened the message. Sent messages are sorted from newest to oldest but this can be adjusted bly clicking the 'Arrange by' link in the upper right of your screen.

Can I delete messages?

While you are viewing an open message, you will be able to move a message to your trash. Before a message is removed, a confirmation message will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the message.

Note: Deleting a message removes it only from the view of the primary user and not for any proxy users.

You can also view messages you have deleted by clicking on 'Trash' on your patient portal menu. You can move these messages back to your inbox or delete them from your trash.

Image of man having an appointment with his provider

Coming soon

We are working hard at making your health care experience more convenient.

Within your My Marshfield Clinic account, you will soon be able to view and complete important medical documents and forms from your mobile device.