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Clinic selected to join national stroke research group

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Marshfield Clinic has been selected to participate in a national stroke research program tasked ​with advancing acute stroke treatment, prevention and recovery.

The Clinic will w​​​ork as part of the Regional Coordinating Center at University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Stroke Trials Network (StrokeNet) for stroke research. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) created StrokeNet in 2013 to conduct clinical trials and research studies.

The network of 25 regional centers across the U.S., involving more than 200 hospitals, is designed to serve as the infrastructure and pipeline for new potential treatments for patients with stroke and those at risk for stroke. A benefit of the Clinic participating in the trials for patients is they receive medication and treatment options before the general public has access and at a reduced expense.

"The importance of StrokeNet stems from the need to identify the signs and symptoms of stroke early, to minimize damage, and to effectively manage the after-effects of a stroke," said Steve Ziemba, associate director, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation (MCRF). "Associated research is all the more critical as our population ages and the incidence of stroke is expected to increase."

Dr. Kenneth Madden​, a neurologist at Marshfield Clinic, and Kathy Mancl, research coordinator in MCRF's Clinical Research Center, will represent the Clinic. Up to nine trials covering prevention, acute care and recovery are anticipated.

 "These trials are designed to look for optimal treatments for a number of conditions," Madden said. "The end goal is to have better knowledge on how to treat stroke patients in the future."

The Clinic is no stranger to stroke research; its doctors have participated in stroke trials for nearly three decades, but this is the first time the Clinic is part of a large, collaborative effort.

Prior Clinic research for the Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy versus Stenting Trial found that both procedures were safe and effective treatment options for carotid artery stenosis, a precursor to embolus and stroke. Clinic researchers also examined the potential benefit of anticoagulants in treatment and prevention of stroke and the importance of giving tissue plasminogen activators to patients who exhibit symptoms of stroke.

StrokeNet's national coordinating center is at the University of Cincinnati and the national data management center is at the Medical University of South Carolina.​

​​The Marshfield Clinic system provides patient care, research and education in more than 50 locations in northern, central and western Wisconsin, making it one of the largest comprehensive medical systems in the United States.

Media Relations

John Gardner
Marshfield Clinic Health System Director of Communications
715 221-8659

Jeff Starck
Media Relations Specialist - Marshfield, Wausau/Weston
715 389-4978

Matt Schneider
Regional Communications Manager - Eau Claire
715 858-4427

Christy Moravitz
Communications Specialist - Rice Lake
715 236-6409

Dan Baulch
Media Communications Specialist - Beaver Dam
920 887-4152

Candy Marg
Community Relations Manager - Neillsville
715 743-8423

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Communications Specialist - Ladysmith

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Communications Specialist - Park Falls

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715 358-1320